新鋭捕手の“史上最速”149キロ「キャノン」炸裂 米ファン驚愕「半端ない送球」
【動画】まさに「半端ない送球」炸裂 新鋭捕手が二塁へ“史上最速”149キロ「キャノン」
Jorge Alfaro vs. Trea Turner is a dream matchup of arm vs. legs.
Tonight, @_JorgeAlfaro11 won the battle with this 92.5 mph throw and 1.77-second pop time!
That is:
– The hardest CS throw by a catcher in #statcast history
– The 2nd-fastest pop time on a CS throw since 2015 pic.twitter.com/iM8YwWXjOa— #Statcast (@statcast) 2018年7月1日