元オリのエップラー“美人妻”「待った甲斐があったわ」 結婚記念日のナ軍契約に歓喜 MLB総合 2020.01.11 Twitter Facebook LINEにおくる Bookmark 【写真】「待った甲斐があったわ!」 ナショナルズとマイナー契約を結んだ元オリックス・エップラーの“美人妻”が公開したツーショット画像 この投稿をInstagramで見る Happy FOURTH wedding anniversary to my wonderful husband! ? Fun Fact: this is the first wedding anniversary we have spent together, and it was worth the wait! Baseball usually wins the custody battle on January 9th of every year ? Our first anniversary we ate our wedding cake at 6 am before he caught a flight to Bradenton. Our second he was at a pitching camp. The third he spent in St. Louis getting a physical for our journey to Japan. Today we continued our baseball/ anniversary tradition, and he signed a contract with the Washington Nationals this afternoon!! * Yes, I did take pictures of him signing his contract! I know, this isn’t his first go around. This is actually the 3rd time we have done this together… but I will document every single time he signs his name if that’s what it takes for us to remember these moments when we are celebrating our 50th+ wedding anniversary, because I am so proud to be Mrs. Eppler and I don’t ever want to forget it ❤️ * #ourbaseballlife Marissa (Diggs) Eppler(@marissaeppler)がシェアした投稿 – 2020年 1月月9日午後1時26分PST 【写真】「待った甲斐があったわ!」 ナショナルズとマイナー契約を結んだ元オリックス・エップラーの“美人妻”が公開したツーショット画像 (Full-Count編集部) この写真の記事を読む