「この瞬間は更に特別」Aロッドが回顧する上原浩治からの劇的弾 ファン納得「史上最高」 MLB総合 2019.09.20 Twitter Facebook LINEにおくる Bookmark 【動画】史上最高の対決! 上原が投じた渾身の一球をAロッドがフルスイングで応える瞬間 この投稿をInstagramで見る #TBT I always loved hitting at Camden Yards and this moment was extra special. . Ninth inning, we’re down two runs and @jorgeposada_20 and @cgrand just had great at-bats to get aboard and give us a chance. Orioles closer Koji Uehara kept jamming me inside with fastballs my entire at-bat. I was down to my last strike when he missed a few inches inside on a 1-2 pitch. I wasn’t sure whether he would continue to stay inside with fastballs, or try to get me with his splitter. . He came back with another fastball and this time he left it over the plate and I put a good swing on it and connected. I was so fired up to be able to come through in a big spot and even more excited when we retired the O’s in the 9th and finished off the win. . There’s nothing like reliving the moment with the great @kayster61 on the call to make it even more memorable. Alex Rodriguezさん(@arod)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年 9月月19日午後2時08分PDT 【動画】史上最高の対決! 上原が投じた渾身の一球をAロッドがフルスイングで応える瞬間 (Full-Count編集部)