米少年野球で衝撃の大乱闘劇! 13歳審判の判定に大人同士が激昂&殴り合い
【動画】少年野球の試合で親同士が衝撃の殴り合い! 暴行事件にまで発展した前代未聞の乱闘劇の一部始終
These adults took over the field and began assaulting each other on 6/15 during a youth baseball game. We're looking for any info, in particular to ID the man in the white shirt/teal shorts. Several people have already been cited in this fight and injuries were reported. pic.twitter.com/ieenhwCrbU
— Lakewood Police (@LakewoodPDCO) 2019年6月18日
【動画】少年野球の試合で親同士が衝撃の殴り合い! 暴行事件にまで発展した前代未聞の乱闘劇の一部始終